IT IS WHAT IT IS ...And my world a gym, considering at first-wake knowing just next to nothing. My world consisted of my mother and my grandmother. Originally, I being a degree simpler than simple, all that was seen and known is known as the University of Virginia hospital... My first home away from home.So… Not knowing it but this was my first instance of "It Is What It Is". On top being windows to a person's soul, is just next to impossible for them to hide their true intentions. After successfully acquiring my steps2stepping from my second home away from home, HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital. My mother took me out to my house in the woods… where I love .First. What is done is far from unique my family prays and I with them, always remembering everyones' Beginning and End. Now you can say what you want because this is still a fairly free country, freer than not. What I've...

Almost everything happens by CHOICE... minus being born and if you die naturally. That being said, as of now the choice to view my situation as Way BETTERthanBAD has been made. It was this way backweeks after I woke up, lying in the hospital, and it will be this way until the day... From DIRT 2 DIRT. CANNOT CHANGE IT, NOR DO I WANT TO... So I WILL Not.