Brief bio of Jesse Clowater: I was born on August 24, 1982, in Charlottesville, then grew up in Fluvanna County, where I did country boy stuff, like fishing, hunting, and playing soccer. My mom began taking me to church when I was two. I went to Christian school until the ninth grade. Even though I believed in God, I got further and further away from Him during my late teens and twenties. Substituting temporary fun for the Truth, I followed a track that would either end up in jail or a funeral parlor. After consuming copious amounts of moonshine with friends, I somehow thought I could drive home from Crozet. Because after drinking that "sauce" your invincible, or so you think. The Almghty forsaw a cedar tree connecting with my head at horatiously high speeds in the middle of the ...

Almost everything happens by CHOICE... minus being born and if you die naturally. That being said, as of now the choice to view my situation as Way BETTERthanBAD has been made. It was this way backweeks after I woke up, lying in the hospital, and it will be this way until the day... From DIRT 2 DIRT. CANNOT CHANGE IT, NOR DO I WANT TO... So I WILL Not.