Losing memory.
At first, dealing with the world was easy almost too easy. Maybe it was the MJ making it seem that way or maybe it was. Numerous times various people I looked up to, people I respected would warn me. That I had better grow up and get my ducks quakin' in tune.
The colors of the world, seeing that all the world is colorful. Yet why are all being reduced to the basics... Beware of group mentality, separating people into groups and pitting one against the other.
The memory of lying to myself, then people who called themselves friends backing the lie up flickers in my mind like a kitchen light running on its last fumes. When a person is first growing up they attempt to do things their own way, sometimes working, sometimes not.
Lying to themselves and each other, I remember this with the different degrees of clarity. Memory flicks into my mind of a friend, acting on my telling him I remember nothing, he then returned the favor. When in fact I did remember a very few things. Nothing even close to what he was looking for is left in my brain, he's just itching for a reason to split my wig. Metaphorically speaking.
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