PEACE, Peace, I have come to the conclusion, thinking about myself first, that nobody on God’s green earth deserves the word “good”. Everyone is, in fact, some degree better than bad, even though they themselves try and hide, use many distractions, and/or point to someone else. When in need of peace, which the world constantly says it needs and is chock-full of versions of. It resorts to some half- version of instead of the real thing, the True Way. Waking up in the hospital the overuse of the word "good" simply plagued my ears and mind's eye. "Person one: How you doing today? Person two: Good … good . You?" ---------------------------> Everybody's road is different, some bumpier than others. Mine had far more than no bumps, but you can either let the bumps take you out or learn from them. By God's grace, I have and will continue to learn. The First and foremost problem is group-mentality. ---------------------------> Peace...

Almost everything happens by CHOICE... minus being born and if you die naturally. That being said, as of now the choice to view my situation as Way BETTERthanBAD has been made. It was this way backweeks after I woke up, lying in the hospital, and it will be this way until the day... From DIRT 2 DIRT. CANNOT CHANGE IT, NOR DO I WANT TO... So I WILL Not.