On whatever day I came home from the hospital, I came home. The actual accident which occurred on 19th of May in the year 2007, left me bedridden. Unable to walk, seeing that I had "parked" my car where one stood a cedar tree. Cedar is the opposite than soft wood and upon coming into direct contact with my head, instead of breaking my skull, it blessed me with a severe traumatic brain injury, making the ONLY four words able to describe my injury... < ClickME >> Way BETTERthanBAD << ClickME >. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ People that know me now say that I can have some stubborn tendencies. All that can be said without thinking too deeply is THAT just as everything it too has a right and a wrong use.

Almost everything happens by CHOICE... minus being born and if you die naturally. That being said, as of now the choice to view my situation as Way BETTERthanBAD has been made. It was this way backweeks after I woke up, lying in the hospital, and it will be this way until the day... From DIRT 2 DIRT. CANNOT CHANGE IT, NOR DO I WANT TO... So I WILL Not.